Monday, 8 May 2017

References to performances in the literature review

Sunday Skype chat 07/05/2017 (11 am)

I have wished to discuss the use of references to performances in our research, but unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to talk about every topic. This is why I will post my thoughts and questions around this today and hope that some of you share some ideas.
In fact, I find it very difficult to include something that is non-text based in my literature review. I either feel that a piece expresses ideas around my inquiry (ownership) but it is only an intuition and I don't know how to explain or justify my choice, or I listen to what the choreographer says about his/ her piece and then it is not really non-text based, isn't it? 
Do I chose a choreography because there is one gesture that expresses something specific I am interested in? Do I chose a choreography because I feel that it talks about my theme in general? Do I chose a choreography because I know that the choreographer works in a way that is of interest for my research? ... 

During the Skype chat, we talked a lot about confidence and not always depending on confirmation. So, should I pick a choreography because my intuition tells me to do so and be confident about my choice? As the language of dance is very subjective, my tutor won't be able to confirm my choice anyway? But still, I have to explain my choice. It has to make sense and be written down. But as soon as I try to explain why I chose a certain piece, it feels compelled. Is that only because I am not used to do this kind of exercise? I guess it is just like creating a piece but the other way around?

Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas?