Monday, 20 February 2017

Beginning of module two: Allowing myself to be in an uncomfortable situation.

Skype chat Sunday 12 February 2017 (afternoon)

When thinking about a research inquiry, I tend to anticipate the outcome. I believe in something and I want to prove it. Obviously, I cannot know the result before doing my research. Reading through the handbook of module two (especially the notes on knowledge), I am also reminded that I'm not necessarily seeking for certainty. In fact, looking back to what I have experienced in module one when working on my Areas of Learning, I am well aware of the fact that knowledge is constructed and changes over time. Therefore: no, I am not going to look for something fixed and gathering evidence to prove this. We didn't talk very much about this topic during our last Skype chat but we did talk about something else that allowed me to interlink a thought that occurred. Talking about how teachers can struggle with a new class that doesn't want to accommodate to the new teacher's teaching, someone noted that as a learner, we have to allow ourselves to be in an uncomfortable situation in order to evolve. I found this particular thought quite interesting because it is in a way uncomfortable to do something, without instantly seeking for a specific outcome. We are often asked, especially as learners, to give correct answers, to tell the truth, to provide facts or to seek for certainty. It gives us confidence, if we know that something is certain. Epistemologically speaking, we shall not forget that knowledge is situated in time and relative to its social and cultural context. I will allow myself to be in a situation where I will confront myself with many questions to which I don't know the answers and where I allow my knowledge to change. I will write down more on the notions of knowledge, certainty and body positivism soon. 

I hope you all had a good start into the year! 

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